What Happens If I’m Unable to Complete My Pledged Amount?

We understand that life is unpredictable, and sometimes unforeseen circumstances can prevent you from fulfilling your pledged amount. At Essex Alliance Church (EAC), there are no penalties or negative consequences if you are unable to meet your pledge. Your pledge is simply a promise that you intend to honor to the best of your ability, and we appreciate the spirit of generosity behind it.

Our primary concern is the well-being and support of our church community. We recognize that financial situations can change due to various factors such as job loss, medical emergencies, or other unexpected events. If you find yourself unable to complete your pledged amount, we encourage you to reach out to us. Our team is dedicated to working with you to find a solution that meets your needs and circumstances.

Your support, regardless of whether you can fulfill the entire pledge, is invaluable to us. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps us move closer to our goal of revitalizing EAC. Your donations will support the construction of a new atrium, the renovation of existing structures, and the update of mechanical systems, all of which are crucial for creating a more connected, resilient, and thriving community.

Moreover, your pledge reflects your commitment to our mission of sharing the gospel, showcasing God's love, and transforming lives. We believe in the power of collective action and long-term commitment, and we are grateful for your willingness to join us on this journey. Your generosity enables us to build a brighter future for EAC and ensures that our church remains a welcoming and vibrant hub for worship, fellowship, and community building.

Thank you for your understanding, flexibility, and continued support. Together, we can overcome any challenges and achieve our vision for a revitalized Essex Alliance Church.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

see all FAQs
How Will the New Lobby Benefit the EAC Community?

It will provide a vibrant hub for gathering and meeting and will foster strong community relationships.

What Are the Specific Goals of the Building Project?

To build a new atrium, refurbish existing structures, and update mechanical systems.

Why can EAC build in Essex now when we were denied by the town the last time we wanted to expand in Essex (the reason EAC purchased the Williston Property)?

While we do not have permits in hand, we have had discussions with the Town Planning Office and they feel that this expansion should not have any major permitting problems.

What Happens If I’m Unable to Complete My Pledged Amount?

No penalty or recourse for unmet pledges. It's a promise to honor, despite unforeseen circumstances that can derail us from our goals.

Is EAC going to expand parking?

Please read the "Why can we build in Essex Now" FAQ first.

What maintenance on our current buildings will be taken care of as a result of the renovation?

 A rough estimate of the cost of the maintenance items without doing the renovation is around 1.5 to 2 MM dollars.

How Much Should I Donate?

We ask everyone to contribute as they can. The amount you choose to give is up to you. Our goal is equal sacrifice, not equal gift amounts.

Should I Direct My Tithe to the Building Campaign?

Contributions to the building campaign are meant to supplement, not substitute, our faithful giving.

Why a Three-Year Pledge?

Embark on a thrilling 3-year campaign to achieve our goals and bring the new atrium, enhanced lobby, and updated mechanical systems to life.