Should I Direct My Tithe to the Building Campaign?

At Essex Alliance Church (EAC), the steadfast generosity of our congregation is deeply appreciated and forms the bedrock of our financial stability. Your regular tithes and offerings are crucial because they fund our day-to-day operations, allowing us to maintain a vibrant church community, support our various ministries, and carry out our mission of sharing the gospel, showcasing God’s love, and transforming lives.

The building campaign is a separate initiative aimed at raising additional funds for specific capital improvements, such as constructing a new atrium, renovating existing structures, and updating mechanical systems. While we wholeheartedly encourage contributions to this building campaign, it is essential that these gifts complement and supplement your regular giving rather than replace it. Sustaining our regular giving ensures that our ongoing needs are met and our mission continues uninterrupted.

Our capital campaign goal is to raise $5 million to construct a new lobby, refurbish interior and exterior sections, and update outdated mechanical systems. Achieving this goal without incurring long-term debt is crucial for the future growth and sustainability of EAC. By balancing your contributions between regular tithing and the building campaign, you help us maintain our current operations while also investing in long-term improvements that will benefit our entire community.

We ask you to prayerfully consider how you might contribute to both your regular tithes and the building campaign according to your means. Your generosity will ensure that EAC remains a thriving, welcoming community for years to come. Thank you for your continued support and commitment to our mission.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

see all FAQs
How Will the New Lobby Benefit the EAC Community?

It will provide a vibrant hub for gathering and meeting and will foster strong community relationships.

What Are the Specific Goals of the Building Project?

To build a new atrium, refurbish existing structures, and update mechanical systems.

Why can EAC build in Essex now when we were denied by the town the last time we wanted to expand in Essex (the reason EAC purchased the Williston Property)?

While we do not have permits in hand, we have had discussions with the Town Planning Office and they feel that this expansion should not have any major permitting problems.

What Happens If I’m Unable to Complete My Pledged Amount?

No penalty or recourse for unmet pledges. It's a promise to honor, despite unforeseen circumstances that can derail us from our goals.

Is EAC going to expand parking?

Please read the "Why can we build in Essex Now" FAQ first.

What maintenance on our current buildings will be taken care of as a result of the renovation?

 A rough estimate of the cost of the maintenance items without doing the renovation is around 1.5 to 2 MM dollars.

How Much Should I Donate?

We ask everyone to contribute as they can. The amount you choose to give is up to you. Our goal is equal sacrifice, not equal gift amounts.

Should I Direct My Tithe to the Building Campaign?

Contributions to the building campaign are meant to supplement, not substitute, our faithful giving.

Why a Three-Year Pledge?

Embark on a thrilling 3-year campaign to achieve our goals and bring the new atrium, enhanced lobby, and updated mechanical systems to life.