From Pastor Scott

December Update

Dear Church Family,

If you were not in attendance last Sunday, let me give you an update on our new lobby Campaign. 

Just over 5 months ago we launched our FOR [  ] Campaign. We are dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ by loving God, loving others, and by improving our community. The new lobby will become the hospitality center of our church, and, as we learned together, the root word for hospitality is hospital. I love that picture…our hospitality to others becomes their hospital. A place of safety, healing, belonging, and rest. The new lobby will serve as the hub of fellowship, ministry and outreach, connecting us even deeper as a Church family and place of welcome for our community. This project will not only serve us but will be used by God, inspiring future generations.

Campaign Update: As of December 6th, $2.7 million of our $5 million goal has been pledged by 183 households. We continue to hear from people that they’re in but haven’t filled out a Commitment Card yet. If you have not yet submitted your Commitment Card, please send it in either online, via mail, or in the Church lobby. Receiving your Commitment Card is critical as we move forward.

Here is what we all need to remember: We cannot reach the finish line without the participation of everyone who considers Essex Alliance to be their Church home. Every gift matters, no matter the size! Help us make this a reality for generations to come. Every Sunday we gather together in a space that 37 years ago, a group of people built for us.

We will be accepting Commitment Cards through the month of January as many of us decide how we will participate. During that time, the Campaign Building Team is continuing to pursue permits and reduce costs.

If you have already made your commitment, thank you! Your decision is the foundation to enable those who are now joining us to finish the job.

Please join us! Quite literally, your participation will make this new space a reality. As you plan your giving:

Learn more: Visit:
Meet with a Campaign  Team Member: Contact Ron at
Pray: Lift up our  campaign, leaders, and future impact in prayer.
Complete Your  Commitment Card: Send it in online, via mail, or drop off in the Church lobby.
Thank you! Creating and leaving a legacy for the generations to follow is an exciting thing to be a part of!
I love walking this path alongside of you!
- Pastor Scott


Other Updates —

From Pastor Scott